Test Catalog

ABO/Rh(D) Group

Code: 40014, 40021

Type: Estudis eritrocitaris

Clinical information

Diagnostic Utility:

This is the most important erythrocyte blood group and its determination is useful in:

  • Blood transfusion
  • Monitoring pregnant women
  • Transplantation of progenitor cells, solid organs, and tissues


Hemagglutination. The blood group and serological group are determined.

Reference Values

Possible results are: A Positive, A Negative, O Positive, O Negative, B Positive, B Negative, AB Positive, AB Negative.
In some cases, it is not possible to obtain any of these results due to a discrepancy between the blood group and the serological group.

Diagnostic Algorithm:

In case of discrepancy between the blood group and the serological group, and in order to obtain an unequivocal result, the cause must be investigated using test 0017: ABO Group Discrepancy Study.

Code Test Name Can it be requested separately? Is it always done?
0017 ABO Group Discrepancy Study Yes (*) No

(*) When the requesting centre has already detected the serological discrepancy, it can directly request the performance of this test.

Response Time:

1 day. Serological discrepancy studies may require more time.

Specimen information

Sample: Whole blood
Tube: EDTA K3 10 ml tube
Minimum necessary volume: 3 ml

  • At room temperature: 4 days
  • In the refrigerator: 10 days

Transport instructions: Preferably at room temperature

Reason for rejection: Highly hemolyzed sample

Administrative information

BST Code: 0009
Test Description: ABO/Rh (D) Group
Synonyms: Blood group, ABO and Rh Group
Section: Immunohematology
BST Rate: Check the updated rates here.


Test 0009 ABO/Rh (D) Group can be requested individually. It is also performed within the following profiles:

Profile Included Tests
Immunohematological control profile for pregnant women

0009 ABO/Rh (D) Group

0010 Irregular Antibody Screening

Fetomaternal incompatibility study (mother)

Haemolytic disease of the newborn (mother)

0009 ABO/Rh (D) Group

0010 Irregular Antibody Screening

9994 Incompatibility Conclusion

Fetomaternal incompatibility study (child)

0009 ABO/Rh (D) Group

0012 Direct Antiglobulin Test

0014 Erythrocyte Antibody Elution

9994 Incompatibility Conclusion


· AABB Technical Manual. 21th edition. Editat per Claudia Cohn, MD, PhD; Meghan Delaney, DO, MPH; Susan T. Johnson, MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBBCM; Louis M. Katz, MD; Joseph (Yossi) Schwartz, MD, MPH: AABB 2023