Clinical information
Diagnostic Utility:
This is the detection of specific cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA and its determination is useful in:
- Identifying active CMV infections.
- Progenitor cell transplantation and umbilical cord blood cell transplantation, as in immunocompromised patients, CMV infection or reactivation can become a potentially life-threatening disseminated disease.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Reference Values
Possible results are: Reactive and Non-Reactive
Diagnostic Algorithm:
Not applicable.
Turnaround Time:
Maximum 30 calendar days.
Specimen information
Sample: Whole blood
Tube: Tube of plasma with EDTA or citrate as anticoagulant.
Minimum required volume: 2 ml
- At room temperature: ≤ 4 days
- In refrigeration 2-8 ºC: ≤ 14 days
Transport instructions: Preferably send the tubes of whole blood refrigerated.
Reason for rejection: Insufficient sample volume.
Administrative information
BST Code: 0168
Test Description: Cytomegalovirus, DNA
Synonyms: DNA CMV, PCR CMV
Section: Transfusional Safety Laboratory
BST Rate: Check the updated rates here.
- Protocol del Kit de PCR: CMV PCR RealStar kit 1.0 (Altona Diagnostics,Cat No. 021013)
- Test amb marcatge CE d'acord amb la Directiva 98/79/CE