Test Catalog

HTLV I/II, IgG Antibodies. Screening

Clinical information

Diagnostic Utility:

This is the detection of IgG antibodies against Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I) and Type II (HTLV-II), and its determination is useful for:

  • Detecting HTLV I/II virus infection.
  • Blood component transfusion.
  • Transplantation of progenitor cells, solid organs, and tissues.
  • Screening infectious diseases in egg and semen donors.


Chemiluminescence Microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA).

Reference Values

Possible results are: Reactive and Non-Reactive.

Diagnostic Algorithm:

In case of a reactive result for HTLV I/II anti-IgG, a confirmatory test for HTLV-I/II antibodies by Immunoblot and PCR for HTLV I/II proviral DNA may be requested:

Code Test Name Can it be requested separately? Is it permanent?



HTLV I/II, Antibodies (IgG). Confirmation by Immunoblot.

HTLV I, proviral DNA



NO (*)

NO (**)

* Only performed upon request.
** Performed upon request and requires whole blood.

Turnaround Time:

Maximum 2 working days.

Specimen information

Sample: Serum and/or plasma
Tube: 1-5 mL aliquots, plasma tubes with EDTA, potassium oxalate, sodium citrate, ACD, CP2D, CPD, or CPDA-1 as anticoagulant and/or serum tubes with and without gel separator.
Minimum essential volume: 1 ml

  • At 15-30 ºC: ≤ 3 days
  • In refrigeration at 2-8 ºC: ≤ 14 days
  • Frozen sample equal to or below -20ºC: 10 years

Transport instructions: Preferably at room temperature and/or refrigerated if they are whole blood tubes, and frozen if they are serum and/or plasma aliquots.

Reason for rejection: Highly hemolyzed samples.

Administrative information

BST Code: 0171
Test Description: HTLV I/II, IgG Antibodies. Screening
Synonyms: anti-HTLV I/II
Section: Transfusion Safety Laboratory
BST Rate: Check the updated rates here.




  • Inserts kits test ABBOTT ARCHITECT HTLV-I/II.
  • Test amb marcatge CE d’acord amb la Directiva 98/79/CE.