Test Catalog

Quantification/Viability of Mesenchymal Cells

Clinical information

Diagnostic Utility:

This test quantifies the concentration and viability of mesenchymal cells from fresh cultures or thawed products. It is used for quality control of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) as well as for the evaluation of cultures/products in the research phase. Mesenchymal cells can originate from bone marrow, Wharton's jelly from the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, etc.


Flow Cytometry.

Reference Values

The results are quantitative. The expected values for cell concentration vary greatly depending on the culture status or the manufacturing control point of the cellular product. The expected viability value is above 70%.

Diagnostic Algorithm:

Not applicable.

Turnaround Time:

1 day.

Specimen information

Sample: Mesenchymal cell cultures in fresh or thawed products.
Tube: Additive-free tube
Minimum volume: 300 µL


  • Fresh sample: 1 day
  • Thawed samples: 1 hour

Transport instructions: room temperature.

Reason for rejection: Sample with clots.

Administrative information

BST Code: CEL015
Test Description: Quantification of concentration and viability of mesenchymal cells.
Synonyms: R/V MSCs
Section: Cell Laboratory
BST Rate: Check the updated rates here.


The CEL015 test Quantification/Viability of Mesenchymal Cells can be requested alone. It is also performed within the following profiles:

Profile Name Profile Code


  • NCF Parte IV: Directrices sobre normas de correcta fabricación específicas para Medicamentos de Terapia Avanzada.