Test Catalog

Trypanosoma cruzi, DNA

Clinical information

Diagnostic utility:

This is the detection of the DNA of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and its determination is useful in:

  • Detection of the parasite in the donor's red blood cells.


Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Reference values

Possible results are: Reactive, Non-Reactive.

Diagnostic algorithm:

Not applicable

Response time:

Maximum 30 natural days

Specimen information

Sample: Whole Blood
Tube: Plasma tube with EDTA or citrate as anticoagulant.
Minimum essential volume: 2 ml

  • At room temperature: ≤ 4 days
  • In refrigeration 2-8 ºC: ≤ 7 days

Transport instructions: Preferably send the whole blood tubes refrigerated.

Reason for rejection: Insufficient sample volume.

Administrative information

BST Code: 0198
Test Description:  DNA Trypanosoma cruzi
Synonyms: DNA Trypanosoma cruzi, PCR CHAGAS
Section: Transfusional Safety Laboratory
BST Rate: Check the updated rates here.


Not applicable


  • Insert kit test LDBIO Diagnostics CHAGAS Western Blot IgG.
  • Tarifes BST