Clinical information

Diagnostic Utility:

Determining the HLA B*57:01 allele allows us to identify patients with hypersensitivity to Abacavir treatment.


Typing of the B*57 antigen using real-time PCR and high-resolution HLA-B typing using PCR-NGS.

Reference Values

In B*57 antigen typing, the possible results are: negative B*57 or positive B*57.
In high-resolution HLA-B typing, the possible results are: negative B*57:01 or positive B*57:01.

Diagnostic Algorithm:

Following the diagnostic algorithm, if the result of the real-time PCR is positive for B57, PCR-NGS is performed to determine if it is B*57:01.

Turnaround Time:

15 working days.

Specimen information

Sample: Whole Blood

Tube: EDTA K3 4 ml Tube

Minimum volume: 500µl.


  • In refrigeration: 2 weeks.
  • At -20ºC: from 2 weeks onwards.

Transport Instructions: Preferably at room temperature

Reason for rejection: Clotted sample.

Administrative information

BST Code: LRD2056
Test Description: HLA-B*57:01
Synonyms: Not applicable.
Section: Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
BST Fee: Check the updated fees here.
Profiles: Not applicable.


  • Manual dels “Standards for Histocompatibility Testing” de l’EFI (darrera versió).