Clinical information
Diagnostic Utility:
The search for anti-HLA antibodies allows us to detect the presence of anti-HLA class I and class II antibodies in:
- Patients candidates for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
- Patients candidates for solid organ transplantation.
- Studies related to transfusion: platelet refractoriness and suspected Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI).
Solid-phase assay (Luminex).
The serum to be analyzed is incubated with microspheres that present HLA antigens on their surface. There are 7 different groups of microspheres for HLA class I and 5 groups for HLA class II. A human anti-IgG antibody conjugated to phycoerythrin is added, allowing the visualization of the binding of anti-HLA antibodies present in the serum using the LUMINEX device.
Reference Values
In the screening, the presence or absence of anti-HLA antibodies is determined. The possible results are: Negative or Positive for anti-HLA class I and/or II antibodies. A sample is considered positive for anti-HLA class I antibodies if at least one of the 7 groups of HLA class I microspheres is positive. On the other hand, a sample is considered positive for anti-HLA class II antibodies if at least one of the 5 groups of HLA class II microspheres is positive.
Diagnostic Algorithm:
Following the diagnostic algorithm, if the result of the search for anti-HLA antibodies is positive (for class I and/or II), the following tests can be generated:
Code | Test Name |
LRD20017 | Identification of anti-HLA class I antibodies |
LRD20059 | Identification of anti-HLA class II antibodies |

Turnaround Time:
15 working days.
Specimen information
Sample: Serum
Tube: 8.5 ml separator gel tube
Minimum volume:
- Blood: 500µl.
- Serum: 100 µl.
- In refrigeration: 2 days.
- At -20ºC: from day 3 onwards.
Transport instructions:
If it is a blood sample preferably at room temperature.
If it is a serum sample preferably refrigerated.
Reason for rejection: Highly hemolyzed sample
Administrative information
BST Code: LRD2016
Test Description: Anti-HLA antibodies research
Synonyms: Not applicable
Section: Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
BST Fee: Check the updated fees here.
Profiles: Not applicable.
- Manual dels “Standards for Histocompatibility Testing” de l’EFI (darrera versió).