What do you want to donate?
What would you like to donate?

You can donate blood if you are between 18 and 70 years old and if you are in good health.
However, the final decision will be subject to a medical review.
Do you already have an appointment?
?If you don't remember the details of your appointment, you can retrieve the details
XIf you can't attend, you can cancel your appointment

You can donate plasma if you are between 18 and 70 years old and are in good health.
However, the final decision will be subject to a medical review.
Do you already have an appointment?
?If you don't remember the details of your appointment, you can retrieve the details
XIf you can't attend, you can cancel your appointment

If you are between 18 and 40 years old, sign up to donate bone marrow.
We need more people to register as donors to ensure that all patients will have a compatible donor.
Bone marrow donation can save lives and requires a relatively simple process.

You can donate milk if you are breastfeeding your baby and have enough milk.
However, the final decision will be subject to a medical review.

You can donate umbilical cord at the time of delivery if you are healthy
However, the final decision will be subject to a medical review.

To be a tissue donor, it is important to express your willingness during your lifetime to your family and closest circle.
Som el que fem. Ara toca donar!
Un gest que ens connecta a la vida
Aquest 2025 més de 70.000 persones necessitaran rebre sang als hospitals de Catalunya.
Som el que fem, perquè el que fem ens acaba definint com a persones i ens marca com a col·lectiu solidari.
Som castells, som modernisme, som sardana, som un idioma, som art, som literatura, som cinema, som pa amb tomàquet...
Més enllà del que fem com a societat, som una manera d'entendre la vida: cooperació, generositat i responsabilitat. Perquè som el que fem, ara toca donar!
Vull donar