
When you donate plasma, you save lives.

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Repte d'or. 2023 - 2025

We have a life challenge: to achieve 50,000 plasma donations annually by 2025 to ensure treatments for thousands of patients with immune system problems.

We have already raised 39.688 de 50.000 donacions de plasma


Històries dels nostres receptors

Per què cal donar plasma?

4 reasons to donate plasma

  1. Plasma cannot be manufactured

    The only way to obtain plasma is through the altruistic donations of compassionate individuals.

  2. It is essential for the lives of thousands of people

    Plasma is vital for thousands of people who need it to survive.

  3. It can be donated more frequently than blood

    Plasma can be donated every 15 days, as the body regenerates it more quickly.

  4. Vital to obtain immunoglobulins

    Plasma is essential for producing immunoglobulins, essential proteins to treat autoimmune diseases and immune system issues.

Can I donate?

Discover the requirements and key steps to become a blood donor.

You must weigh more than 50 kg and be between 18 and 70 years old.
You should not be fasting.
You can donate even if you have had hepatitis before the age of 12.
You can donate even if you take some of the most common medications.
A minimum of 15 days must pass between plasma donations.

Have you made a donation and want to know when you can donate again?

  What do you want to donate?
  Blood Plasma / Platelets
What have you donated? Blood 2 months 1 month
Plasma / Platelets 15 days 15 days

These are the steps to donate

Before donating Read more

  • Drink plenty of liquids, especially when it is hot in the 24 hours before.
  • Avoid intense exercise in the previous 3-4 hours.
  • Preferably eat something salty in the previous 3-4 hours.
  • Drink 3 large glasses of'water in the previous 3-4 hours.

The donation of plasma or "plasmapheresis" consists of extracting blood, separating the blood cells using a cell separator, retaining the plasma and returning the rest to the donor through the same route.

In the meal before donating plasma:

  • Avoid eating a lot of fats, such as fried foods or heavy meals
  • Avoid consuming sugary drinks or commercial fruit juices
  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Avoid consuming ice cream and foods that are very sugary

Fats can be carried by the plasma and if you consume them in excess, your donation may not be able to be used.

During the donation Read more

  • Drink water even if you are not very thirsty.
  • The donation lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, during which you can read, listen to music, or simply relax for a while.
  • Relax.

After donating Read more

  • Do not remove the bandage until about 2 hours after the donation.
  • Avoid significant physical efforts, especially with the arm that was punctured, in the following 24 hours.
  • If you are a smoker or plan to drink alcoholic beverages, wait 2 hours to do so.
  • Drink plenty of liquids during the 24-48 hours following the donation.
  • Avoid very hot places. Ventilated and cool areas are preferable.

If in the days following the donation you have a fever, discomfort, or a serious health problem, contact the Blood Bank.

When you donate plasma, you save lives

Did you know that with the plasma you donate you make it possible for many sick people to receive treatment?

Plasma saves the lives of patients with weakened immune systems who may suffer from very serious infections.

Do you want to know more?