Human milk

The human milk is the best food a baby can receive.

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Why is it necessary to donate milk?

6 reasons to donate milk

  1. There are babies who need it

    Premature babies and those weighing less than 1,500 grams can 1 greatly benefit from this milk if their mother cannot breastfeed them

  2. Save new lives

    In general, breast milk can help significantly reduce the death of babies 2 with serious illnesses.

  3. It is the best food for a baby

    Breast milk is the best food a baby can receive, as it is 3 much more complete than any other alternative

  4. It helps the digestive system

    Breast milk is easy to digest, and not only can it help with intestinal recovery after surgery, it can also fight intestinal infections in babies.

  5. It has an important immunological function

    Milk contains nutrients and biological components that ensure growth and help the immune system of babies during their first years of life.

  6. WHO recommends breastfeeding

    The World Health Organization recommends exclusively breastfeeding the baby for the first six months of life, as it provides the necessary nutrients for growth.

How to become a milk donor


You must be in good health and follow healthy habits.
Breastfeeding must be correctly established.
You should not suffer from chronic viral diseases such as human immunodeficiency or hepatitis B and C.
You should not take specific medication regularly or drugs, or consume drugs or other toxins.
You should not smoke regularly or have drunk recently.

Per donar llet, acudeix a un d’aquests centres hospitalaris o contacta-hi:

If you are already donating breast milk

These are the guidelines for breast milk donation

Avoid the use of creams and products near the breasts, wash your hands with water and soap, and if necessary, also clean the extraction area. Prepare the extraction material and wear a mask.

Use the breast pump provided by the Breast Milk Bank or your own, along with the provided containers. Avoid transferring milk between containers and fill them completely.

After extraction, close the container, label it following our instructions, sterilize the disposable parts and avoid contact of the breast pump with kitchen items.

Freeze the milk right after extraction and use new containers for each extraction. Avoid contact of the containers with other foods in the freezer and store the containers inside the bag we provide.

From mother to baby: this is the process of donating milk

Learn more about the donation process

1. Contact the centres

Contact the Maternal Milk Bank or go to any fixed centre of the Blood and Tissue Bank. An appointment must be requested in advance.

2. Medical interview

In a medical interview, a professional from the Blood and Tissue Bank will help you answer a brief medical questionnaire and ask for your consent to take a blood sample to rule out certain diseases.

3. We'll explain how to do it

If the analyses are correct, they will explain how to extract the milk and how to store it until delivery. In addition, they will provide you with a breast pump and special containers to preserve it.

4. Before extraction

Prepare the necessary material for extraction, such as the sterile containers provided and follow hygiene measures.

5. During extraction

Place yourself in a calm environment where you can extract the milk in a relaxed manner. Open the package of sterile containers just at the time of extraction. We recommend filling each container only three-quarters of its capacity for proper freezing.

6. After extraction

Quickly close the container, label it with your name, surname, the quantity, and the date with a pen. Clean and sterilize the materials used.

7. Milk preservation

Always freeze the milk immediately after extraction, use a different container for each extraction even if it is not full, and do not open it again. Store the containers with milk inside the plastic bag with closure that we provide with the containers.

8. Contact us for collection

Contact the Maternal Milk Bank to arrange the collection at your home and, when they come, deliver the bags with the containers. Do not keep frozen milk for more than 4 weeks.

9. Distribution and delivery

The milk is distributed to hospitals, where it is given to premature babies who cannot be breastfed by their mother.