
Laboratori cel·lular

The Cellular Laboratory constitutes an expert platform that concentrates the cellular analyses required by the Blood and Tissue Bank (BST) for its activity, both in terms of healthcare and research.

Healthcare activity

The main objective of the Cellular Laboratory is to guarantee the safety of donors and recipients and to ensure the quality of the products to be transfused or transplanted. To achieve this, it carries out cell characterisation tests on different types of human biological samples: peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, blood components, advanced cell therapy products, etc.

The aim of these studies is the characterisation of the cells using different techniques (counting, cytometry, microscopy, culture, biochemical analysis, etc.) to validate the safety, sterility, identity, and strength of the products. The main activities are:

Research activity

The Cellular Laboratory collaborates in research projects of several groups, both from the BST and from outside. The main activities are:

Teaching activity

The Cellular Laboratory participates in the teaching activities of the BST: