Projects led by the Banc de Sang i Teixits or in collaboration with other entities.
59 researchers
Dedicated to advancing our research and development projects.
47 scientific publications
In various scientific journals, with an impact factor of 215 and an average factor of 4.5.
Investment in research
Annual research investment 2.6 M €
Discover the Research Strategic Plan
Our mission
We are an institution that promotes and supports research that provides solutions to healthcare needs and develops technologies and therapies in the field of blood and its derivatives, cells, and tissues.
Our Vision
To consolidate ourselves as a reference centre in high-impact research and innovation in advanced therapies and human-origin substances, for the improvement of people's health.
The pillars of our strategy in research and innovation
Organització i cultura
Promote internal and collaborative research through a suitable organizational structure, fostering optimal resource management in a healthy work environment.
Recerca i Innovació
Be a reference in high-impact research and innovation for the improvement of people's health within the activities of the BST.
Provide the necessary professionals for research and innovation programmes, aligned with an attractive scientific career policy to retain and attract new talent.
Infraestructures i equipament.
Offer an optimal service to different system agents while adequately meeting our research needs. The BST should be recognized for its distinctive technologies, equipment, infrastructure, and expertise.
Establish a robust network of strategic alliances that promotes cutting-edge science.
Cèl·lules CAR-NK universals derivades de cèl·lules mare induïdes pluripotents fetes a partir de sang de cordó umbilical per a oncoimmunoteràpia de disponibilitat immediata
Consolidació de les activitats WGS i RT-PCR per al SARS-CoV-2 a Espanya cap a un ús sostenible i la integració de la infraestructura i els processos millorats a la xarxa RELECOV. Projecte cofinançat per la Unió Europea
The BST Biobank makes available to researchers and educators, for their research or teaching projects, different types of human biological samples that cannot be used for healthcare purposes.
Download the latest Scientific Research Report
In this repository, you can download the Scientific Research Reporta of the Banc de Sang i Teixits.