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Cryostorage of hematopoietic cells


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Clinical information

Clinical utility

The preservation of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) or mononuclear cells (MNCs) allows the patient to be prepared to receive the hematopoietic progenitor cell transplant (HPCT) after the cells have been obtained.

Several studies have shown that the viability and potency of the product is maintained for up to 30 years.


The products are kept in liquid nitrogen or high efficiency gas phase containers with a temperature below -150 °C.

In the case of -80°C mechanical freezers, the shelf life is shorter.

The temperature of the containers in the case of gas phase, or the level of liquid nitrogen in the case of submersion, should be checked periodically.

Reference values

Viability and potency remain stable for many years at temperatures below -150 °C.

Specimen information

Product: HPC/MNC/BM/UCB.

Tube: not applicable.

Volume: less than 200 ml.

Shelf life: 30 years (6 months if mechanical).

Transport instructions: not applicable.

Storage instructions: below -150 °C.

Administrative information

BST code: BT900.

Description of the test: applies to the set of bags resulting from the cryopreservation of a HPC product obtained in the same collection procedure. A list of stored bags is sent monthly from the Blood and Tissue Bank (BST) so that those responsible for the Transplant Unit can decide whether to continue storing them.

Synonyms: not applicable.

Section: Cell Therapy Service. Cell Therapy Laboratory.

Service: fee BT900 applies to the set of bags resulting from the cryopreservation of a HPC product obtained in the same collection procedure. A list of stored bags is sent monthly from the BST so that those responsible for the transplant unit can decide whether they wish to continue storing them. Bags that are still stored will be billed at this fee.


Areman, E. M.; Loper, K., editors. Cellular therapy: Principles, methods, and regulations. 2nd ed. Bethesda (MD): AABB Press, 2016.


The BST has ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001 and European Seal of Excellence 500+ quality certifications. The BST is accredited by CAT, JACIE-FACT, FACT-NETCORD and EFI. It complies with the guidelines of good manufacturing and good distribution practices.


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