What We Offer
We carry out a networked activity with a unique model that is a reference worldwide. Our activity extends to all public and private centres in Catalonia and meets the needs of more than 7.5 million people. This model has made the Blood and Tissue Bank the entity in charge of and responsible for 100% of the donation of human-origin substances in Catalonia: blood, plasma, platelets, tissues, corneas, cord blood, placenta, breast milk, or bone marrow. We have 13 fixed donation centres located in all major hospitals and organize over 4,300 blood and plasma collections annually to reach all of Catalonia.
All these Human-Origin Substances (SoHO) arrive at the central headquarters of the Blood and Tissue Bank, where they are processed and treated to be transfused, converted into medications, researched, or stored for availability in case of need.
The BST manages the entire process. It returns all these substances meant to improve the health of patients through this network present in all hospitals. The Life Bank also manages all transfusion services in the main public hospitals in Catalonia and is responsible for 80% of the transfusions carried out in Catalonia.
In other words, we oversee the entire cycle; we are a 'vein to vein' model that goes from donor to patient and is unique in the country and very exceptional worldwide. It includes donation, processing, healthcare activities, and research. A value chain with a clearly multidisciplinary team that has made us an exceptional target for innovation in collaboration with leading biotechnology companies in the sector.
An exceptional model throughout the territory, from donor to patient
Som el "banco de pruebas" de los mejores avances tecnológicos
Fuimos los primeros en automatizar el fraccionamiento de la sangre
Llevamos 20 años liderando los avances tecnológicos en el fraccionamiento y garantizando la mejor seguridad y calidad de los componentes sanguíneos, pero también en los procesos de manipulación de tejidos y células. Fuimos los primeros en incorporar la automatización en el proceso de fraccionamiento de la sangre en glóbulos rojos, plasma y plaquetas. Hemos convertido a nuestros 'partners' tecnológicos en colaboradores. Hemos sido banco de pruebas de las mejores compañías especializadas, con las que hemos trabajado conjuntamente para innovar y lograr las mejores soluciones tecnológicas.
Por eso somos líderes en aplicar las últimas novedades para obtener productos únicos en cuanto a seguridad, calidad y pureza. Nuestro liderazgo histórico abarca todo el proceso; el fraccionamiento, con las mejores máquinas centrifugadoras que separan los componentes sanguíneos, la validación, con los mejores reactivos para los análisis, el almacenamiento o suministro, con el primer Càrdex, el armario inteligente para servir la sangre, hasta la transfusión.
Nuestro modelo 'vena a vena' de proximidad con el paciente, nos ha permitido adaptar mejor nuestros productos a las necesidades del paciente y ser de las pocas organizaciones donde se puede innovar desde el punto de vista del recorrido completo: en todas las Sustancias de Origen Humano (SoHo) que tratamos.

Atents a la salut epidemiològica de 7,5 milions de persones

Over 3 million diagnostic tests per year
We daily monitor the epidemiological situation of society thanks to our presence throughout the territory with blood donations. We analyze the blood received to ensure that it can be transfused and we are the backbone of the hemotherapeutic system in Catalonia; that is, we diagnose, control, and monitor problems related to blood donation and transfusion with over 3 million diagnostic tests per year.
The Transfusion Safety Laboratory is responsible for the analysis and validation of all human-derived substances that arrive at the Blood Bank, and at the same time, it works to become a support platform for Public Health in the epidemiological surveillance of many infectious diseases. Being there every day allows us to closely understand and respond to the needs of the doctors who treat patients in all hospitals, thus being attentive to an overall epidemiological health map that can be essential in the emergence and eradication of diseases.