Test Catalog

HLA-DQA1 High Resolution Typing

Clinical information

Diagnostic Utility:

High-resolution HLA typing allows us to determine the HLA typing at an allelic level (4 digits). Typing of the HLA-DPA1 locus is of special interest in donors in order to assess the presence of donor-specific antibodies in transplanted patients.


PCR-NGS technology (Long strategy) enables high-resolution HLA typing of HLA class I and II genes, as well as non-classical HLA genes. This technique involves several stages: amplification of the HLA genes of interest via PCR, library preparation, sequencing, and result analysis. The Long strategy (long fragments) provides sequencing of the entire gene.

Reference Values

With high-resolution typing, two results are obtained for each HLA gene, for example: HLA-DQA1*01:02 DQA1*03:01.

Diagnostic Algorithm:

Not applicable.

Turnaround Time:

The turnaround time for high-resolution HLA typing depends on the sample origin:

  • Patient or family members of patient candidates for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (20 working days).
  • Voluntary donor registry (20 working days).
  • Expansion of HLA typing in voluntary donors (10 working days).
  • Umbilical cord blood units registry (20 working days).
  • Verification of umbilical cord blood units (20 working days).
  • Pre-transplant confirmation of donor and recipient (20 working days).

Specimen information

Sample: Whole Blood
Tube: EDTA K3 4 ml tube
Minimum volume: 500µl.


  • In refrigeration: 2 weeks.
  • At -20°C: from 2 weeks onwards.

Transport instructions: Preferably at room temperature

Reason for rejection: Coagulated sample

Administrative information

BST Code: LRD2060
Test Description: High-resolution HLA-DQA1 typing
Synonyms: High HLA-DQA1
Section: Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
BST Rate: Check the updated rates here.
Profiles: Not applicable.


Manual dels "Standards for Histocompatibility Testing" de l'EFI (darrera versió).