Test Catalog

HLA-E high resolution typing

Clinical information

Diagnostic Utility:

High-resolution HLA-E typing allows us to determine the HLA typing at the allelic level (4 digits) of volunteer donors in the registry.


The PCR-NGS technique (Long strategy) enables high-resolution HLA typing of HLA class I and II genes, as well as non-classical HLA genes. This technique consists of several phases: amplification of the HLA genes of interest by PCR, library preparation, sequencing, and result analysis. With the Long strategy (long fragments), the complete gene sequencing is obtained.

Reference Values

With high-resolution typing, two results are obtained for each HLA gene, for example: HLA-E*01:01 E*01:03.

Diagnostic Algorithm:

Not applicable.

Turnaround Time:

20 working days

Specimen information

Sample: Whole blood
Tube: EDTA K3 4 ml tube
Minimum volume: 500µl.


  • In refrigeration: 2 weeks.
  • At -20ºC: from 2 weeks onwards.

Transport instructions: Preferably at room temperature

Reason for rejection: Clotted sample

Administrative information

BST Code: LRD2062
Test Description: High resolution HLA-E typing
Synonyms: High HLA-E
Section: Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
BST Fee: Check the updated fees here.
Profiles: Not applicable.


Manual dels "Standards for Histocompatibility Testing" de l'EFI (darrera versió).